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The U.S. Task Force on Community Preventive Services, a blue ribbon panel of experts, examined 21 studies and concluded that fluoridated water reduces tooth decay by a median rate of 29% among children of ages 4 to 17. Today, studies prove water fluoridation continues to be effective in reducing tooth decay by 20-40%. The EPA…

The Sim plate method provides a more definitive count of colony forming units (cfu’s)’s per ml of water. The number of fluorescent wells are counted and converted to the most probable number (MPN), using a table provided by the manufacturers.

Specialty Testing offers one-time Legionella Testing in a kit form available here, as well as routine monitoring tests for facilities. Contact us for more information or to enroll your facility in a water-management program testing service. Legionnaires’ Disease, a severe sometimes fatal pneumonia, can occur in persons who inhale aerosolized droplets of water contaminated with the bacterium Legionella. In a…

The CDC recommends testing any private wells (home wells) at least once per year for the presence of E. Coli or Coliform bacteria that can be leading indicators for other disease-causing pathogens, or more often if there has been a known problem in the past. Our Microbiology and Bacteria Water Testing Kit comes with the…

This kit includes the collection materials you will need to collect your sample(s), and the shipping materials to send them to our lab for analysis. You will receive results for the following trace metals: Aluminum (Al) in water Antimony (Sb) in water Arsenic (As) in water Barium (Ba) in water Beryllium (Be) in water Boron…

$15.63 – $65.00
There is a serious — but avoidable — health threat looming for many of our neighbors as they begin rebuilding and repairing what was lost. Anyone depending on a well for their water supply may have E. coli or other life-threatening contaminants in their systems and not know it. As the power comes back on,…